The Marathon I had in Past Week

Never regret for being born like a lamb among the lion, Never feel intimidated by the strength of the mighty beasts around you, Never feel hurt for the unreturned feelings shown to others, Never feel sad for the unhappy incidents, Never mind if people want to get away from you, Never lose hope for the hope you are living for, never feel hurt over the painful past, never get vexed by the unclear future, Never mind if people don't believe you (you are not their to repair the unfaithful minds of persons), Never ever feel exhausted by the tiring journey you have undertaken, Never ever get annoyed if people don't pay respect to the Highest truthful promise you have ever made.

But despite all that, Neither abandon your dreams, nor the close to heart desires.

Everybody can commit mistake, but heart is their only to forgive.

Live for what you wanted in life.

One day you will roar like a lion though you are a lamb by birth.


G Saimukundhan said...

Damn strong message in your post! The most impressive one till date.

On a related note, being a lamb by the birth is not as bad as being a lamb at heart, and being a lion in person is not as good as being a lion at heart.


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